Joining the Fleet is more than just sailing, it is all about the “Hobie” experience. Sailing alone or with a few friends is a lot of fun, but would you try to sail to Martha’s Vineyard alone? The Fleet offers a deep well of experience upon which to improve your skills. We also offer sailing at a variety of venues that may not be available to someone sailing alone. However, the biggest reason is the people. The members of Fleet 448 will bend over backwards to help you out and we always have a good time together.
Compared to what? Sailing with Fleet 448 is about as cheap as you can get. A membership costs only $25 a year and events are only $5-10 per person for members – this includes a site for sailing, facilities and food & drink. Lunch at McDonald’s costs more than that, and our food is much better. There are hundreds of used Hobies out there and you can usually find a complete package (boat, sails, trailer, etc.) for under $2,000 and be ready to sail the next day. It's always best to come to a couple of fleet events and try out different hobies before you buy one. We can teach you what to look for to make sure you find the best boat possible whether you are going to spend $500 or $5,000 on a boat.
No! We have a number of members that do not own boats. Come to any of our events and we will have you on the water. Unless we are heading out for a long distance day sail, there will be several boats owners looking for people to sail with. For non-boat owners, membership is only $10.
We sail all over Southern New England. RI isn't called the “Ocean State” for nothing. We regularly hold Fleet events in RI at Quonset Point, Goddard Park, and Conimicut. We also schedule fleet events leaving from Fairhaven MA. There are other launch sites in the area that are good for smaller, informal sails with other fleet members, such as Portsmouth RI, Westport, MA. We try hard to find and maintain good relations with any sites that welcome Hobie Sailors—even if they are not our usual event locations. Who wants to sail in the same place all the time? We are always looking for new places to sail so that we can experience all of the beautiful sailing grounds the area offers. Please visit the "LOCATIONS" tab on this site for more information about each of the sites we've been to.
We have members that sail with their kids as well as others in their 20's right up into their 70's and beyond. We welcome sailors of all ages and abilities!
We will teach you! If you don’t know how to sail, we can teach you everything you need to know. Our members include several current and former sailing instructors as well as people with many years of valuable experience.